In memory of Brother Philippe Lapointe Jan. 25, 2006
We dedicate this web site to the late Bro. Philippe in token of gratitude.
- 感謝を込め、このページを亡きフィリップ先生に捧ぐ -
お兄様のBro. Maurice Lapointeさんがこのページを公開することに快く同意してくださいました。
Hello again Bro. Philippe!
(Made by Bro.Philippe and his studen's mother)
2006年3月 先生のご遺骨は遥かに仙台湾を見下ろす小高い丘に分骨されました
写真がお好きだった先生は、古い写真を持ち出して楽しそうに説明してくださいました。"Hello again Bro. Philippe !" 作成のため、私がお借りしてデジタル化したものです。
He took out old photographs, and he did the explanation to us enjoyably in the last winter.
3 years old | 4 years old | |
4 years old | My sister, my two older brothers and me | 15 years old |
With my sister -she looks like Grace Kelly! | With my mother | 18 years old |
25 years old | With my sister & my 2 brothers | With my sister and her family |
With my sister ,her children &my 2 brothers | With my sister & her children | My grandfather, grandmother |
My mother | The first school I worked at |
When in grade 4 | The first my students |
Recent photographs
Dec. 2001 | A disguise for the kindergarten. |
In the noodle shop where he liked. |
Dec. 21, 2004 | Flowers desihned for Christmas.Made by him. |
The day when he left Sendai. Apr. 9, 2005 |
On the platform. | |
万感の思いをたたえ、先生は仙台を発たれた。 最後のお別れとは、本人も私たちも想像しなかった。 |
「Hello Again Br.Philippe !」ができるまで
野澤 千秋
「Hello Again Br.Philippe!」は、フィリップ先生がカナダにお帰りになる日程も決まった2005年の1月半ば、先生の全面的なご協力をいただいて作られたものです。
先生が仙台で暮らした8年間、小学生、中学生の子供たちに英語を教えていただきました。そのレッスンの様子を聞いてうらやましくなった親たちも、はずかしながら勇気を出して教えていただくことにしました。「Let's Go Everybody!」と名づけられ、週1回1時間、Oxford University Press の「GATEWAYS」を教材にスタートしました。宿題や予習もサボりがちだったのですが、そのレッスンの楽しかったことといったら… 映画、音楽、宗教、言葉の語源、話題は多方面に及び、いつも1時間はあっという間に過ぎました。中でも先生のカナダの子供時代のお話は「大草原の小さな家」のカナダ編を聞くようでわくわくしました。気がつけば、長年の英語コンプレックスはどこへやら、英語が大好きになっていました。
「Let's Go Kids!」子供クラスでお世話になった人数は全部で200人を超えたでしょうか、先生は根っからの教育者で、クラスの子供たちに難しすぎないか、易しすぎないか、ひとりひとりにたえず気を配っていました。ふと、彼らはフィリップ先生がどんなにすばらしい教師だったかを理解できないままお別れするのかと思ったらとてももったいなくて、残念でした。
"He is almost Japanese!" 先生を評して、あるカナダ人が言いました。先生がご自分の子供時代の写真を見せてくださった時、カナダ人としての先生を私達は断片的にしか知らなかったことに気づきました。それでBr.Philippe に自らを語っていただいて、あのすてきな写真をちりばめたら「Hello Again Br.Philippe!」が出来上がったのです。先生は快くお引き受けくださり、たくさんの送別会の合間をぬって、こちらが用意した質問にていねいに、熱く答え、楽しそうに校正をし、あっという間に作り上げてしまいました。和訳はクラスメートの近江桂子さんが、その大部分を引き受けてくれました。夜中までメールのやり取りをして、振り返るととても楽しく充実した幸せな時間でした。
出来上がった「Hello Again Br.Philippe!」は、先生へのプレゼントのはずが、先生から子供たちや私達へのすばらしいプレゼントになりました。彼らがもう少し大人になった時、先生からのメッセージと英文の美しさ、そしてまた先生の魅力をあらためて感じ取ってもらえたらうれしいです。
最後にこの作成にご協力いただいた「Let's Go Everybody!」のメンバーのみなさん、近江さん、関本さん、小林さん、岩渕さん、原さんへ、またBr.Philippe との幸運な出会いを作ってくださったシスター篠崎と子供たち、そして天国のBr.Philippeと神様に感謝です。
The Making of “Hello Again Br. Philippe!”
Chiaki Nozawa
It was in the middle of January 2005, when Br. Phihlippe was about to leave Japan that“Hello Again Br. Philippe!” was compiled by us ――Bro. Philippe helping in many ways.
Eight years before, we asked Br. Philippe who had just arrived in Sendai, to teach English to our children going to school. Some of us felt so envious of our children that after some hesitation we ourselves also asked him to teach us English. Our English class named “Let’s Go Everybody!” met once a week, using the textbook “GATEWAYS” by Oxford University Press. We often did not do our homework, but we could have fun during the lessons. Br. Philippe taught us English talking about movies, music, religion and the origin of the words. It was so interesting that we felt an hour was very short. Especially, the episode of his childhood in Canada, we felt fantastic like “Little House on The Prairie” Part 2 in Canada. I felt that my infrior complex for English was disappearing, and at the same time, my love for it was increasing.
Perhaps over two hundred students have been in the English classes named “Let’s Go Kids!”. Br. Philippe was a true teacher and he always paid attention to his students, so that they all were able to enjoy his lessons which were not too difficult nor too easy. Unfortunately, the students were too young to realize how excellent their teacher was. I wish they will remember him after growing up.
“He is almost Japanese!” said one Canadian lady talking about Br. Philippe. We usually talked in Japanese about Japanese places, Japanese food and Japanese culture. When he showed us old photographs taken in Canada, we found that we know a few episodes about Canadian Br. Philippe.
So we asked him to tell us about his Canadian background. He was willing to accept it. I sent him about 15 questions by e-mail. Although he was very busy with meeting his many friends before leaving Japan, he answered rapidly with kind and warm messages to his young students. I only put the beautiful photographs on the page between Q &A. He seemed to enjoy correcting a few mistakes and finishing the compositions. He made up “Hello Again Br. Philippe!” within seven days. Our classmate Keiko Ohmi put the main part of it into Japanese. We usually sent e-mail to each other in English or Japanese at night. It‘s a pleasant and happy memory for me to have made this booklet together.
We expected to make something like a gift to Br. Philippe at first. “Hello Again Br. Philippe!” was an unexpected gift for us rather than one for him. He sent his kind and warm messages to his young students and also to his not so young students. When his young students are growing up, I wish them to remember their excellent teacher, Br. Philippe, and feel again his messages in beautiful English.
In conclusion, I give my thanks to all the members of “Let’s Go Everybody!” Ms. Ohmi, Mr. Sekimoto, Ms. Kobayashi, Ms. Iwabuchi, and Ms. Hara. We also wish to thank Sister Shinozaki, former President of Nazareth Kindergarten, who introduced Br. Philippe to us and our children.
And finally, thanks to Br. Philippe who is living in Heaven with God now.
“Br. Philippe, we all appreciate again all of your kindness! “